manganese nodules|manganese nodule in English


rock concretions of manganese salts found at the bottom of the ocea

Use "manganese nodules|manganese nodule" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "manganese nodules|manganese nodule" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "manganese nodules|manganese nodule", or refer to the context using the word "manganese nodules|manganese nodule" in the English Dictionary.

1. We have developed the process of liquid-phase oxidation to dispose seabed manganese nodules, and studied the leaching-out of manganese from nodules.

2. Manganese dioxide, manganese iv oxide, manganese peroxide, manganese superoxide, manganese black, manganese Binoxide, manganese oxide, mangandioxid, black manganese oxide, braunstein PubChem CID 14801

3. And unlike with manganese nodules, the technology to extract the sulphides is not available.

4. Polymetallic nodules (also known as manganese nodules) are potato-shaped, largely porous nodules found in abundance carpeting the sea floor of world oceans in deep sea.

5. The most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl2).

6. Introduction: Bementite is a rare manganese mineral that is found in manganese ore deposits and may be associated with typical manganese ore minerals such …

7. Hydrogenous (Authigenous) sediment-Formed by the precipitation of chemicals in sea water (sometimes with bacteria) ex: manganese nodules, phosphorites, glauconite

8. Asbolite is a hydrated Manganese oxide (WAD) where Manganese is replaced by cobalt and copper

9. Manganese oxide cathode active material

10. Manganese(III) fluoride (also known as Manganese trifluoride) is the inorganic compound with the formula MnF3.

11. Manganese carbonate is widely used as an additive to plant fertilizers to cure manganese deficient crops.

12. Alkaline zinc manganese dioxide batteries

13. Other alkaline manganese batteries (except button cells)

14. Additives for rechargeable alkaline manganese dioxide cells

15. Acid dip for zinc-manganese alloy electrodeposition

16. Rechargeable alkaline manganese cells with zinc anodes

17. Although manganese mining halted in 1978, there was an agreement in 2006 to export manganese already mined but not yet exported.

18. Oh et Biologically templated synthesis of manganese

19. Method for preparing nickel-cobalt-manganese composite precursor

20. Chenban manganese steel, chromium ball processing and sales.

21. In the processing method, the high manganese Asbolite is processed through four processing steps comprising (1) reduction leaching, (2) primary cleaning, (3) manganese and cobalt separation and (4) extraction separation to obtain a product manganese

22. The characteristic and generally the most abundant manganese mineral in this belt is Bementite, a silicate of manganese that is rare elsewhere

23. Bementite Bementite is a manganese silicate hydroxide mineral

24. Alkaline manganese batteries prolonged use (except button cells)

25. The modern remedy is the addition of manganese.